Sunday, April 29, 2012

Understanding Otolaryngology

problems are nothing to sneer at. Even the common cold can be a big pain to deal with and leave you feeling weak and weary for a long time. If you think you are having medical problems, you should seek a professional at once. Sometimes, you should even go straight to a specialist. No matter what area of the body you are dealing with, you can find a doctor who specializes only in that area. If you're having problems with your ears, nose, or throat, pull out your phone book and look for a specialist in otolaryngology.
Now, that might seem like a mouthful, but the more common term for this branch of medicine is ENT. A doctor, who treats the ears, nose, and mouth, is often called an ENT specialist. This is the oldest branch of medicine that there is and dates back to nearly the beginning of medicine itself. This doctor will treat the ears, nose, larynx, sinuses, mouth, and throat. They will also handle the structure of the face and neck if that affects any of the other areas. Specialties, however, start with the ears. ENT specialists are trained to deal with hearing loss, hearing disorders, and birth defects in both the inner and outer ears, just to name a few. They are also trained to deal with chronic sinusitis and other problems that might affect the nasal passages. Voice and swallowing diseases are also areas of expertise, as well as any diseases that might affect the throat or esophagus.
A specialist in otolaryngology is ready to be certified after up to fifteen years of training. In order to receive certification by the American Board, they must have completed four years of college, four years of medical school, and at least five years of specialty training. They must pass an examination and may also pursue a one or two year fellowship in one of the subspecialty areas before receiving their certification and beginning to practice medicine.
There are seven subspecialty areas in the field of otolaryngology. The first one is the field of allergy medicine. If a doctor decides to pursue this area, they will be licensed in such procedures as immunotherapy, treatment by medication, and they will be able to diagnose what allergens their patients might have reactions to. The second field is that of facial and reconstructive surgery. This can be cosmetic or reconstructive and would involve only the areas on the face that might need plastic surgery. The third field deals with the head and neck and would involve such practices as identifying lumps and dealing with cancerous tumors on the head, neck, or voice box. Laryngology is the fourth field and deals with disorders in the throat, including voice and swallowing problems. The fifth field is otology and includes anything that has to do with the ears, from swimmer's ear to diseases that affect the inner or outer ear. Pediatric ENT specialists focus on the sixth field, pediatrics, which deals with anything that affects the ears, nose, or throat of a child. And the last field, rhinology, deals with the sinuses and nose and anything that might interfere with the quality of your breathing and nasal passages.
If you are having problems with your ears, nose, or throat, consider seeing someone licensed in otolaryngology today. They can diagnose your problem, fix you up with a treatment plan, and get you on your way to a healthier lifestyle in no time.

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Dietary Supplements for Men Over 50 Wanting Better Health

Are you taking a daily multivitamin? You don't get a pass on this one, supplementing daily with a good multivitamin is an absolute requirement for masters men over 50. Many items on my personal supplementation list are optional for many, but not the multi-vite, the holy grail of nutritional supplementation.
In fact, the only real debate of merit on multivitamins is what blend of nutrients andhow much of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of each one should be taken.
Okay, so let's say up to this point you've totally missed the boat on multivitamins - why are multivitamins critical to the daily nutritional needs of men over 50? Without turning this into a science course the basics are as follow:
1. We don't get the essential nutrients in our daily diets. By and large, the typical US diet is pretty crappy. The main culprit is processed foods that have been mangled beyond recognition to our bodies.
However, even "clean eating" of whole foods like meats, fruits and vegetables can leave us short due to mass-production techniques requiring low-cost and distribution requirements of durability and long shelf life.
Unless you're growing or raising your own food (yea, right) or buying from trusted local producers, your foods are likely lacking in their full nutritional potential.
2. If you're watching your calories to maintain weight or to lose weight (you should be) then you're on a limited calorie budget for the three main macronutrient categories of protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
Therefore, due to these calorie constraints, you have limited opportunity to ingest the nutrients your body needs. Multivitamins give us these nutrients without adding calories.
3. Working out vigorously adds nutritional requirements as your body is in a constant state of repair and building (we're going to assume you work out, if not you need to! Know that vitamins and minerals are the substances your body is either made up of or must have to synthesize into what it's made up of.
You can't have a glass of water without water, likewise you can't have a body (or at least a properly functioning body) without nutrients. And the more physical demand you place on your body, the more your body needs it's basic life ingredients.
So the next question is where the real debate starts; what vitamins and minerals should the senior athlete ensure is in their daily multivitamin uptake and how much of the RDA should be consumed?
Really, the consensus and even the science on this subject is all over the board, but my personal philosophy is to err on the high side.
Simple - because research shows much upside promise to larger doses of multivitamins vs. a very limited downside.
That's why I use multivitamins labeled "mega-multi", because I get higher doses that exceed the RDA but have not been found by the FDA to be unsafe. Stick to national brands or store brands from large retailers as these tend to have higher testing levels to ensure purity and dosage accuracy.
Some research has suggested that extreme amounts of certain vitamins can be harmful. These studies, however, are suggestive and not conclusive.
Contrarily, some researchers suggest that extremely high dosages of certain vitamins can address specific health problems. These too tend to be more suggestive than conclusive, but I do personally go much higher overall on vitamins C and B complex (more on that upcoming).
This is what I feel is right for me based on my personal mix of diet and physical demands and what I have found over many years makes me fee and operate at my best, you should talk with your doctor about what's right for you as many medical conditions, especially in senior men, may dictate special requirements.
But I can tell you that personally, my overall approach to health, fitness and wellbeing includes mega doses, and that at 53 I feel as good as at any time in my life and get sick less than ever before.
To be sure, this is attributable to my overall lifestyle, but we are what we eat, and this includes taking the all-essential daily multivitamin!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dental Implants: Pros and Cons

Do you cover up your mouth every time you smile in public, because you have ugly-looking gap between your front teeth? Do you have a missing, broken or chipped tooth and have no idea how to get it fixed? Well, it sounds like you need to have dental implants.
In the past, people with missing or chipped teeth had no other option but to live with the poor dental structure. But things have changed now and you can get the smile that you that you have always dreamed about, thanks to cosmetic dentistry.
Cosmetic dentistry is the branch of dentistry encompassing all dental procedures and surgeries, including white fillings and dental implants, that are not strictly necessary for oral health reasons but to enhance the aesthetic appeal.
Dental implants are one among the most innovative procedures and techniques that has been developed in dentistry field. Often considered as the most predictable and natural form of tooth replacement, a dental implant is an artificial tooth root designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth or bridges that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.
The need of artificial roots and prosthetic teeth to be implanted depends on your oral health condition that includes the number of teeth missing, quantity and quality of the bone and the type of implant chosen.
For instance, if you are missing a single tooth, your periodontist can replace it with one implant and a crown, while for the several missing teeth implant-supported bridges can be used.
Likewise, if you have no natural teeth in your mouth, an implant-supported full bridge or full denture can help you regain your smile.
In case of insufficient quantity and quality of jawbone, sinus augmentation, also known as sinus lift or sinus graft, can help correct this problem by raising the sinus floor and developing bone to support the base of an artificial tooth root.
With the latest advances in dental implantation technology and procedures, the procedure has grown in popularity. However, as is the case with any medical or surgical procedure, teeth implants do come with some problems and complications.
So, before deciding on dental implants, you need to consider its pros and cons.
• Implants look, feel and function like your own teeth.
• They help in restoring your self-confidence and youthful appearance.
• Implants give you sparkling, most natural-looking new teeth without affecting adjacent healthy teeth.
• Since they integrate into the structure of your jaw bone, they offer a permanent foundation to prosthetic teeth and dentures that will last a lifetime.
• Often made from titanium, dental implants offer biting force that is most like natural teeth.
• Dental implants do not slip or slide in place while eating and speaking as opposed to bridges and removable dentures.
• They offer freedom from the embarrassing clicking and hissing sounds of dentures and the messy pastes and glues as well.
• Since dental implants require a surgical procedure, complications and risks are inevitable.
• Persistent pain, swelling, and bruising can occur at the implant site.
• An adjacent nerve can damage, which can result in severe pain, numbness or tingling in the teeth or gums.
• There is a possibility of temporary swelling or bruising of your gums and face.
• Although in rare cases, but dental implants may fall off.
• Breakage of the tooth by itself or infections is possible.
• It's quite common that you go through a period of chronic inflammation of the gum around the implant.
• It is a very time-consuming procedure, requiring several visits to the dental office. You can expect many visits to the dentist for several years, if you develop major complications.
• One of the biggest disadvantages associated with dental implants is that they are very costly and can cost you tens of thousands of dollars to achieve new functioning teeth.
The above mentioned pros and cons of dental implants call for proper knowledge of the procedure. Thus, before going for the dental implants it is prudent to talk to your dental surgeon and gain complete knowledge about the implantation of false teeth.
Since replacing a missing teeth can cost a fortune, more and more offshore dental patients are up for having affordable Dental Implants in Costa Rica.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Anatomy of Nail Polish - 3 Chemicals It Often Contains

Toulene---This chemical is the smell that is most often associated with nail polish. It evaporates into the air at room temperature and can linger in the air for hours after nails are done. It is frequently listed as methylbenzene, phenylmethane, or toluol on the bottle.
Breathing these fumes for even a short period of time can cause dry throat, watering eyes, headache, and dizziness. Symptoms usually subside once you get away from the fumes. Toulene is toxic and consistent, prolonged exposure can disrupt liver and kidney function, and lead to birth defects.
Formaldehyde---This chemical compound is made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It is a natural part of the environment and it is produced in varying amounts by plants, animals, and humans. A formaldehyde-based resin is found in many polishes and is listed as ide/formaldehyde resin. This ingredient helps give the polish its shiny appearance and helps prolong it life on your nails.
The result of the chemical reaction that produces the resin reduces the amount of formaldehyde considerably so that there is not enough of it to off-gas fumes. The resin can still cause a problem for those who are allergic to it.
Dibutyl Phthalate---This chemical has historically been used to make polish more flexible when being applied. The industry calls it a plasticizing agent which helps us visualize the smooth way that most polishes go on. This element helps keep it supple and makes it less likely to become brittle, crack, and chip.
Studies have shown that this chemical can interfere with human reproduction because of the unhealthy effect it has on the endocrine system. It has been banned from use in many European countries and in California in the United States.
Many European countries have passed regulations banning these chemicals from being used in cosmetics. In the United States regulations have been slow to be enacted, and decisions have been left up to individual states.
Many U. S. cosmetic companies have voluntarily decided to use more people and environmentally-friendly components in their products. Public pressure to stop the use of these potential carcinogens has played a huge part in changing the make-up of polishes.